img: Youtube 'truly'
You’re going to fall in love…
It’s been a little while since we first plant out about Quasimodo the canine, so, we allowed we ’d catch you up on his status.
This really unique canine is one of just 15 of his species in the entire… His Mama, on the other hand, would undoubtedly argue there’s nothing more than like him.
This adorable fur baby was born with a rare condition known as short ridges. “He’s a real German Cowgirl… but shorter,” his Mama adds.
He was planted in Kentucky as a sloppy dog. Quasi was terrified of humans and extremely bashful. But it wasn’t until he met a lovely mortal called Rachel that his true self emerged.
He’s now enjoying life by running in the snow, playing with his musketeers, and chasing girl tykes (he’s rumored to be quite the ladies’man!).
His mortal innovated Secondhand Hounds, anon-profit that saves thousands of creatures a time, and that’s where Quasimodo gets all the care and attention he needs.
He needs to do certain things differently than others, like eat his meal without bending down…
but he’s now a happy, debonair pooch with plant suckers all over the world. … includes ourselves! Watch The Video Below: