Featured Image/Story Source Credit: @whatadogtuesday/instagram
Tuesday, a Dalmatian, was a well-known actor in the television drama Chicago Fire. She appeared on the show as a dog with the same name as herself on occasion, and she immediately gained a following. But, after many years on the program, Tuesday had to say farewell unexpectedly.
The cast and crew of Chicago Fire are currently in grief at the loss of their animal companion. Fans of the program are disappointed that Tuesday will no longer feature in episodes, but they are glad for the opportunity to get to know the adorable canine through television.

Image/Story Source Credit: @whatadogtuesday/instagram
A Sudden Death 😢
On the episode, Daniel Kyri plays Darren Ritter, the owner of Tuesday. During Season 7, the dog became a member of the firehouse when Ritter presented her to the other firemen. While she wasn't a prominent character, her screen time was always enjoyable for fans.
Sadly, Tuesday died just before the season 10 finale. Her death was unexpected owing to acute renal difficulties. Kyri paid homage to his canine co-star on Instagram.

Image/Story Source Credit: @whatadogtuesday/instagram
“Heartbroken to learn my little buddy is gone,” Kyri wrote. “Sending all my love to her trainer today. I got to spend time with her on set & do all the fun stuff but you took care of her when the cameras weren’t rolling. Love you Tues!”
As a result, the season finale of Chicago Fire on Tuesday will be the show's final appearance. However, her legacy will never be forgotten.

Image/Story Source Credit: @whatadogtuesday/instagram
Rest in Peace, Tuesday 🙏
Christine Mahaney, Tuesday's trainer, also commented about the pup's death on Tuesday's Instagram account. Mahaney posted a photo of the Dalmatian amid a field of flowers with a touching remark.
“It breaks my heart to share that Tuesday passed away on Sunday, May 22, due to unforeseen kidney issues. The love from you, Tuesday’s fans, over the past 4 years has been immense,” Mahaney wrote. “Allowing her into your homes and hearts will forever be cherished. Tuesday loved working on set and being a part of the Chicago Fire family. Her tail never stopped wagging. She truly was very special.”

Image/Story Source Credit: @whatadogtuesday/instagram
Tuesday's Instagram is still full with cute photographs. Even though she will no longer appear on the show, she will live on in the hearts of the people with whom she worked.
Tuesday, rest in peace. You made so many Chicago Fire fans happy!
All The Images: @whatadogtuesday/Instagram | H/T: iheartdogs.com💚