Image/Story Source Credit: @DogRescueShelter via YouTube Video
Dog Rescue Shelter worker in Mladenovac, Serbia, saw a mother dog and her puppies living in a cardboard box and knew he had to help. All bundled up, the family of three knew they couldn't survive like this forever.
It would take time, but he eventually earned Mama's trust. Since a result, he should probably begin with the puppies, as they would hold her interest longer, and then refocus on her.
The man had tried he best to help the puppies. Finally, the 6 puppies are saved and they're all safe. If no one spotted them in time they would have not survived.

Image/Story Source Credit: @DogRescueShelter via YouTube Video
So that the family might be reunited, he managed to seize her and place her in a crate of her own for transfer to the safe house. Later, they both went to a foster home until they found their permanent families.
All their lives are safe and the puppies are so adorable, they are growing up in a sweet home and enjoy life as a whole family with a kind person who is merciful to save them. Thanks to everyone involved in rescuing this sweet family. Please send your love to this cute family and share their story.
Watch the video below for the full story!
Special Thanks To Rescuer 💚
Thanks to the channel : @DogRescueShelter ❤️